

emperor drinking tea


You might have heard a lot of captivating stories about the origin and history of tea. Let us share some insights of the same stories in our blog with you.
Tea is said to have its origin rooted in China. The ancient Chinese legends and scriptures speak about tea culture. As per the legends tea had its birth around 2737 BCE, when an emperor named Shen Nong who was a herbalist too , was boiling water in a pot under a tree , some leaves of a plant carried away by the breeze of wind suddenly fell in his steaming pot. The Emperor was attracted to its aroma, he tasted the brew and found it extremely refreshing and rejuvenating. Further he incorporated it in his daily drinking rituals and found that this concoction had medicinal properties too.

Steeping the tea leaves in hot water finally became the tradition that has been endured till to this day.
With the passage of time, tea because of its medicinal and healing properties gained reverence and found its way cross border China. Tea became a famous commodity to be exchanged along trade routes particularly the Silk Road.

By the 8th century, tea had its market in the Middle East. Meanwhile in Japan, some Buddhist monks are said to have introduced tea during 9th century.
Tea further made its way to Europe in the 17th century when the Dutch and Portuguese traders bought it to the continent. They were so enthralled by this exotic beverage that it took a high position among English aristocrats. In England, the trend of drinking high tea and afternoon tea was first propelled by Catherine of Braganza, the Portuguese queen of King Charles ll. Since then afternoon tea drinking has been a much coveted and one of daily rituals in Britain till date.

Now, perhaps you might be thinking how India emerged as one of the major tea producing and consuming nation, where from the first plant was brought in India or whether India already had this marvellous beverage way ahead of China?
Well, legends in Assamese ( Assam a state in India producing finest teas) say that the tea plants existed here for centuries and the local people used to enjoy the drink, but they were discovered first by the Scottish explorer Robert Bruce in the early 19th century. The plants were named Assamica variety in due course of time. India now witnesses it’s mark in the global tea trade with Assam, Darjeeling and Nilgiri teas carving out their distinct niches.

Today, tea remains deeply ingrained in both Chinese and Indian cultures. Each country has developed unique traditions surrounding tea preparation and consumption. From delicate Chinese green teas to robust Indian chai blends, there is an incredible variety of flavors and styles to explore.

The history of tea is a testament to its enduring appeal as a beverage that transcends borders and continues to captivate people worldwide. Whether enjoyed for its taste or cherished for its cultural significance, tea holds a special place in our hearts as we sip on this ancient elixir with every cup we brew. It was our love and passion for tea thatmade us come up with this idea of building our online store www.theteaaddress.com so that the finest and the purest can be tasted by all. 

In our further blogs we will deliver some insights about the origin of tea in India and its further expansion.
To summarise, it’s quite apparent that origin of tea is a blend of coincidence ,legend, cross boundary interactions and historical serendipity .
From the mythical origins in China to the global spread through trade routes and innovations, tea has become not just a beverage but a cultural phenomenon embraced worldwide. Tea is for everyone and everyone is for TEA .
Thanks for the read. Keep steeping and sipping…CHEERS !!


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